Tuesday, January 25, 2011


There was a toolshed beside Nasreddin’s house. The shed, where he kept his tools, had no window at all. So, it was always dark inside although it was at noon. But there was a lamp at the corner outside.

One night Nasreddin went into the toolshed to get a ladder. When he was taking the ladder from its place, he dropped his ring. He put the ladder back and went out soon.

Outside he started looking for the ring. He could not find it even he has been searching for it for a quite long time. His friend saw him searching for something. He approached him and said, “What are you looking for, Nasreddin?”

“I’m looking for my ring. I just dropped it”, he answered while he continued searching.

“Let me help you. Anyway, where did you drop it?” asked his friend.

“Inside the shed”, answered he. His right hand pointed the shed.

His friend was surprised and said, “Why don’t you look for it inside the shed?”

“Are you kidding? Inside the shed it was very dark. I cannot see anything there. How can I find it? While it is very bright here because of the lamp. So I may see my ring here.” explained Nasreddin.


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